Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Re: Troop 55 News ~n~ Views

Chuck Hill wrote:
Hey All,
It's been a while since I've sent out an update so here are some 
upcoming events through March. Some dates are TBD, as are some of the 
events themselves since you boys will have to vote as to whether or not 
you want to do them.

Some troop projects. After the feast we won't be needing tents for a few 
months. The committee has decided to completely inventory the tents and 
their condition and catalogue them. They will then been auctioned off as 
is. Mr Bencivengo is heading this project up. Expect a phone call asking 
for your help one weekend day to set up all of the tents. The proceeds 
 from the tent sale will go towards purchasing new tents.

V.A. It has been a long time since we have been to the V.A. and we need 
 to get back on track if you boys want to help these folks. Mrs. Hill 
 will be setting up a bingo date and we will let you know when the V.A. 
 needs our help for the Christmas fair. Time at the V.A. counts towards 
 community service, but even if it didn't I know the boys who regularly 
 go would return because it feels good giving back to the vets. Talk to 
 Mrs. Hill if you want to work this in with the Persons with Disabilities 
 merit badge.

Mr. Gerte is working on an Orienteering day trip. This trip is for rank 
 and will be fun. There is a course at Rocky Neck State Park we are 
 checking out. If we could get 2 adults to stay for a couple of hours at 
 the feast Mr. Gerte and I could shoot down to the park that day to check 
 it out.

I'll be doing the Emergency Prepardness merit badge as a troop. This is 
 an Eagle requirement (unless you have Livesaving MB). This should be fun 
 as well, we'll be doing a search and rescue in the woods.

Some dates......

11/5- This Thursdays meetimg. We'll be planning the menu for the feast.

11/7- Church cleanup day. Lets help our charter organization!

11/12- Next Thursdays meeting. At least some of you boys will be 
 shopping for the feast.

11/14- The Feast. Devils Hopyard State Park. We'll get there Saturday 
 morning and start cooking. Parents and friends.....the boys are cooking 
 for you so please come! We need to hear from each scout as to how many 
 folks you plan on having joining us. Please respond to this email or see 
 us Thursday to let us know. We need to know even if you aren't going so 
 we know how many to shop for. Expect a call from your patrol leader.

11/25- Our annual bowling night the night before Thanksgiving in Old 

12/3- Chinese Gift Exchange during the regular troop meeting. This will 
 be the last meeting of the year due to school events and the Church 
 needing the hall.

1/7/10- Troop meetings resume.

1/14- Court of Honor. We are not doing CoH at the feast this year.

Jan- TBD- Scouts assist Packs with Pinewood Derby

Jan- TBD- Skiing at Bromley. Once we know the definite date we'll let 
 you know.

Feb- TBD- Winter Camporee.

March-TBD- Webelos from both packs will be invited to camp with Troop 55.

April-Mayish-Junish TBD- A trip decided upon by the boys. Mr. Gerte has 
 suggested white water rapids trip. This is a great trip!

6/4- Jamboree at Hebron Fairgrounds.

Website calender updated through January 2010......
 See you Thursday night!;
